Linger Lounge

2009 - Brooklyn, NY, USA

The project, designed and partially fabricated by Taylor and Miller, begins with the idea of an inserted suspended element into an otherwise neutral space. The insertion acts as an all-encompassing spatial chandelier, where its form in plan and in elevation is determined by the furniture locations beneath it. Each ‘unit’ of the chandelier is made up of two tension cables, an integrated sleeve that surrounds one of the cables and allows for the traversing of wiring; and a steel pipe with an LED diode suspended within it.

Combined, the overall system provides very focused downlighting on the surfaces that need it - the coffee tables, point of sale, and some critical areas of the floor. The system was fabricated with an extremely restrictive budget in mind.

The overall project is in the midst of LEED certification, with dimmable LED and fluorescent lighting fixtures used for the architectural lighting, sustainable millwork deployed in the kitchen, and low-V.O.C. chalkboard paint for the remaining finish surfaces.


LJ Cross


Environmental Grantmaker Association