Version 3

2006 - Brooklyn, NY, USA

Deployable Art Installation

The Borreas Gallery

The sculpture, designed and fabricated by Taylor and Miller, is comprised of hundreds of simple 4”x6” metal flashing pieces that are folded and assembled to create an infinitely variable surface. This system is completely flexible, can take on many different forms, and can even be animated with a motorized system. The particular piece shown here appeared in the Boreas Gallery in New York and was simply entitled, “Version 3”, referring to the fact that this is the third form that this system has taken since its creation. The system, and the pieces that make it up, are accessible to anyone that wishes to deploy their own version(s). The elements that are required for the system can be bought at almost any hardware store, and the system instructions can be downloaded from the Taylor and Miller website.


Echoing Green


Duke of Montrose